Premier Protein Shakes: In-Depth Review And Benefits

With our fast-paced lifestyle. It’s no wonder health and fitness get put on the back burner. And getting the proper diet and nutrition you need gets harder and harder.

Well, one great invention that I love from the supplement industry has to be protein shakes. They’re easy to take on the go and quick to consume. This makes it a quick and easy meal replacement solution if you are always on the go, or don’t have much time at work to take a break and get a full meal in.

And today we’ll be reviewing premier protein. More specifically Premier protein shakes that you can usually find at your local Walmart, Costco, supermarket, or convenience store.

Premier Protein Strawberries And Cream

Premier Protein Shakes Reviews:

Premier protein is one of the most commonly available meal replacement protein shakes out there in the U.S.

I see this brand everywhere I go. In Walmart, Costco, gas stations, my local grocery stores. You get the ideas. These protein shake can be found pretty much everywhere.

So, that leaves us with the big question…

Are premier protein shakes worth it?

A Quick Look at Premier Protein Powder Powered Shakes:

Right off the bat, you can see that premier protein shakes say they have 30 grams of protein in their protein shake.

They are also low fat and low in carbs.

Some consider them a meal replacement, but honestly, I would not get full off of one of these premier protein shakes. I would consider consuming them alongside something else. Instead of relying on just premier protein shakes as a meal replacement.

Maybe some fruit, vegetables, rice crackers, etc.

Protein Shake

What Ingredients Are In Premier Protein Shakes

The main ingredients in a premier protein shake are water, milk protein concentrate, vitamin and mineral blend. (There are also some artificial flavors to give the shakes their taste)

Macros & Serving Size:

  • 1 shake is about 11.5 fl oz
  • There is 1 serving per container
  • Each shake has 30 grams of protein
  • Most shakes contain around 160 calories per serving

Price Per Serving

At the time of writing this post. The price of the 12 pack premier protein chocolate shake on Amazon is about $29.98

That comes out to about $2.49 per shake (aka per serving)

Prices vary throughout the year, and also per flavor.

You can check out the most up-to-date pricing on Amazon here

Does It Taste Good?

For me, Premier Protein does do a decent job of giving you a protein shake you can look forward to drinking.

Take this with a grain of salt since there are artificial flavors in the shakes. I understand not everyone has the same taste buds.

But I enjoy these drinks when they are ice cold. So be sure to store them in your fridge, and give them a try that way!

There are a ton of flavors to choose from so you never have to get bored of drinking the same flavor over and over again.

Premier Protein Cinnamon Roll

Overall Opinion:

Overall I believe Premier Protein does a good job at giving you an affordable protein shake.

  • There are a bunch of different flavors to choose from
  • They are pretty affordable at approximately $2.49 per serving
  • You get a whopping 30 grams of protein in each shake
  • They are easy to take on the go and grab if you are in a rush or hurry.

Where to Buy Premier Protein Shake for the Best Price

The best place to buy premier protein shakes is through Amazon in bulk.

You can check out the current price here:

What Flavors Are Available?

A great thing about these shakes is that there are so many different flavors to choose from, and they keep coming out with new ones to try!

Here Are Some Of The Premier Protein Shake Flavors:




Cookies & Cream

Bananas & Cream

Cinnamon Roll

Chocolate Peanut Butter

Café latte

Strawberries & Cream

Pumpkin Spice

Premier Protein Shake User Reviews:

You can check out the main website of Premier Protein and see real user reviews, and what people have to say over there.

You can also check out Amazon for customer reviews there as well.

I’ve checked both out. And there are a few bad reviews (which can be expected). The majority of reviews are very positive.

amazon premier protein reviews

Premier Protein Shake Pros and Cons

Here are just a few pros and cons about using these protein drinks. These are just my opinions of course, but it’s what I think is important when considering a pre-made protein drink.

Pros And Cons

Pros Of Drinking A Premier Protein Shake:

30 Grams of protein in each shake: With that much protein in each bottle. You can rest assured that you are getting a substantial amount of protein to help your body with recovery, growth, and your muscle building needs!

Convenient and saves you some time: Pre-made shakes that are ready to grab and go! Who can say no to that? Perfect if you are always in a rush or just want something ready to go

Flavor Galore! With so many different options to choose from. You won’t ever get bored with a single flavor again!

Great Macro Nutrients: Perfect if you are looking for a high protein drink. These are low in carbs and fats. With just 3g of fats, 4g of carbs, and 30g of protein. You really can’t go wrong with those macro nutrients.

Cons Of Drinking A Premier Protein Shake:

Milk protein concentrate: One thing I do not like about premier protein. Is the fact that the protein powder in their drinks is listed as milk protein concentrate. The lack of transparency bugs me a little. Research says it’s a blend between whey protein powder and casein protein powder. But if you’re not picky like me. Then this should be no issue.

Cost: The cost of buying pre-made shakes is way more expensive than buying your own protein powder and making it yourself. So if cost and budgeting are a factor for you. Then you might be better off buying your own protein powder in bulk and making your own protein shakes.

Taste: This is a bit subjective, but some people just do not like the taste of pre-made shakes. If that’s you then you are probably better off making your own shakes using your own protein powders.

Common Questions About Premier Protein And Protein Shakes In General

Is It Bad To Drink Premier Protein Shakes Everyday?

I wouldn’t recommend only using premier protein as a meal replacement and not consuming real foods in your diet. Then I think it may be bad for you. Supplements should not be a meal replacement or consumed without having a healthy diet established first.

Use supplements as just that. A supplement to a healthy diet. A bulk of your protein should be coming from real foods, and you can use a premier protein shake to get in some additional protein to make hitting your macros a bit easier.

At the end of the day you should talk to your doctor about using protein powder and premier protein shakes every day alongside a healthy balanced diet.

Benefits Of Drinking Premier Protein Protein Shakes

These are just a few of the main benefits I think you will get out of drinking these shakes:

  • Good protein source per shake. With 30g of protein, you can rest assured that you are getting an adequate amount of protein in when drinking these shakes.
  • Very convenient and saves you time. Especially if you are on the go or don’t have time to sit down and eat a meal.
  • Added vitamins and minerals.
  • Very low in fats and sugars.
  • You have a wide selection of flavors to choose from
Working Out With Ropes

Is Premier Protein Shake Good for Workouts?

Yes, one of the main benefits of consuming protein is giving your body the building blocks it needs to build muscle and recover from your workouts. If you are working out. You should be consuming an adequate amount of protein for your building muscle goals, as well as fats and carbs.

Does Premier Protein Help Weight Loss?

I hate to burst your bubble. However, drinking a protein shake does not help with weight loss. Weight loss comes from being in a calorie deficit.

Drinking a protein shake is great for supplementing your diet with extra protein. You should be getting most of your protein not from a protein powder or a protein shake. But it should come from whole foods like chicken, steak, eggs, etc.

And if weight loss is your primary concern. Then you need to be eating at a calorie deficit (burn more calories than you are taking in) in order to achieve your weight loss goals.

Protein Powders

Are Premier Protein Shakes Good For You?

Drinking a premier protein shake is generally good for you. Protein is one of the most studied supplements out there. And is a safe supplement to take on a regular basis.

Also, their protein shake has a blend of essential amino acids that you get from protein, and it’s packed with an additional vitamin and mineral blend.

Drinking a protein shake and consuming protein powders should always supplement a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Does Premier Protein Use Whey Protein?

Premier Protein is not very transparent with the exact protein they use in their protein shake. The ingredient listed according to the premier protein website is milk protein concentrate. This is usually a blend of casein and whey protein. (Casein is known for its slow-absorbing proteins, and whey protein for its faster-absorbing proteins)

Jordan Arenas

My name is Jordan Arenas and I am the owner and author of RFKN Fit. I created RFKN Fit to help others achieve their fitness goals. My mission is to share helpful workouts, nutrition tips, delicious recipes, tips on mindset, some motivation, and some good ol' gym humor with this blog of mine. Hope you enjoy!

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